The book

Book "Little Juliana" is a true story from the biography of Juliana of Cornillon (1192-1258) written in 1262 and translated into Latin by Father Jean -Pierre Delville. The illustrated book is a (JOINT) publication of Emmanuel and Galloocam. You can find the book in the best libraries.

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Little Juliana and the Bread of Life

Text Jacques Galloy
Illustrations by Anne Junker

This beautiful illustrated story sensitizes the heart of the youngest to the reality of the Real Presence of Christ in the consecrated Bread and Wine with the figure of St. Juliana of Cornillon, instigator of Corpus Christi.

While many Catholics honour each year the feast of the Blessed Sacrament, the amazing story of the one that led the Church to celebrate it is not always known. Fatherless and motherless at an early age, Julienne Cornillon finds its greatest consolation in proximity to the Eucharist, the presence of which she is very sensitive and diligent. Christ becomes her best friend. Then she receives from Him the first revelations about the importance of the Sacrament of his Body and his Blood, and the special devotion that the Church should show: "Many forget that I am present in the Bread and Wine. I really am with you every day. I wish you to celebrate it more particularly once a year. This will be the Corpus Christi. "


  • Expressive and colourful illustrations.
  • A tool for awakening faith and love to the Eucharist
  • A great gift idea, especially for first communion.
  • Benedict XVI has recently developed the story of Saint Juliana: "I would say with joy that there is in the Church today a "spring” of the Eucharistic"."


Children 6-10 years. Parents, grandparents, godparents, catechists and teachers.